
Bloggers, Cloggers, and Groggers

I have read blogs everyday for several years, and I have come to realize that there are three types of Bloggers (actually there are a number of other categories that rhyme with -ogger but as will be explained below I have to keep this short). There are the bloggers, the Cloggers, and the Groggers.

The Blogger for the most part comes in 2 varieties. There is the newbie and the tried and true blogger. The Blogger is dedicated to the blog and produces quality content. The Blogger records reflections and diaries their human experience for the world to see. The tried and true blogger has been writing blogs for a number of years and remains dedicated to their publication regardless of their audience. The newbie Blogger differs in that they have only had their blog for less than one month. They produce quality content at regular intervals, but the odds are against them becoming tried and true bloggers.

Cloggers are another species in the blogosphere. The sheer quantity of information that is posted on their site is neither reflective nor spell checked. Cloggers post links and random thoughts about the minutae of their lives. Thus, they clog the blogoshpere with elaborate nothingness.

Then there are the Groggers. I am a Grogger. My brother is a Grogger. In fact, most people that I (physically) know are Groggers. Groggers at one time were likely newbie Bloggers, hog wild about posting the contents of their lives. They used to visit their blog on a regular basis adorning the navigation with links to their friends blogs. Now, however, the grogger has long periods between posts. Weeks and months go by between posts--the Blogger has fallen asleep and wakes up only now and then to post in a groggy state.

To all my fellow Bloggers, Cloggers, and Groggers, Cheers!


Blogger Daehiker said...

....Dude .... I fit in there somewhere ......

7/14/2005 06:11:00 PM  

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