If you ever need a reminder of how dirty we are. Pick up your mouse. In fact, right now I encourage you to pick up your mouse and look at the bottom of it. If you are not fortunate enough to have an optical mouse and still have a rollerball, then it is even better. Take the ball out and look at the rollers inside the mouse. I am fortunate enough to have an optical mouse, yet I still discover the depths of my funk were unknown--until now. I heard a creaking as I surfed the web. I picked up my mouse, which rode atop the surface of a particularly clean desktop (as far as I am going to reveal anyway). Low and behold the bottom of my mouse had encrudations all along the smooth plastic rails. I mean what on earth is all of this junk? I think I am a clean person. Generally my office is a rather neat place, but I am really funky--even with an optical mouse!